Thursday, September 06, 2007

Here we go . . . ready or not!

Last Monday Danielle and Brady headed back to school - can you tell how excited they are to be back in school? Danielle is in 8th grade and Brady is in 4th - WOW!

We are a blessed family to have such a great church and school to help us train our children. Each year I am especially thankful for the godly teachers in our school. I'm especially thankful for my mother's commitment to enroll Tim and I in Inter-City nearly 30 years ago. I still can't believe that she drove us all the way from Walled Lake to Allen Park to attend school here. I can't imagine how different my life (e.g. I met Marcia at Inter-City) would be if she hadn't made that commitment. My children are reaping the blessing of her choice so many years ago!

It really hit me last Tuesday at about 12:20 when Marcia and I were walking home after we dropped Luke off for his first day of school - we're getting old! For the first time in 12 years we have an "empty nest" for several hours. It was so strange to not have kids here at the house - really strange. Luke had a great day with Mrs. Hubbard. She's awesome!

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1 comment:

The SC Elwarts said...

I can't believe your kids are so old! Where has the time gone. Luke looks so grown up walking to school. We can't wait to see you guys in a couple months.