Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Spring Storm and Fire

Tuesday evening turned out to be quite eventful in our neighborhood. A gust of wind from a pretty strong storm knocked down a tree in my neighbor (Ben's) yard. It blew the tree onto his garage and then knocked down a power line. The power line actually was cut when it fell. One half of the power line was lying behind our house. The other half landed on another neighbor's garage - and that started a fire. Needless to say it was quite crazy around here for the night. Here's some pictures . . .


Anonymous said...

I guess you didn't have to chase the firetruck that time!

fressman & family said...

Yeah, Julie, I was in my glory when the firetrucks arrived. I was out there helping them pull hoses to connect to the fire hydrant! I'm sure I looked like to total fool, though.